Can Anyone Write a Novel?
I hope you’ll share what you have written or want to write. And why do you write what you do? I think almost everyone can write a novel. I always love to hear people’s ideas about the book in them. I ask people everywhere. More people can get that novel done than they think they can. Everyone can do more than they think they can. And congrats to all those who have written a novel or a few. Here’s my answer.
The Simple Way to Start To Do It
Start writing and set a word count. Mine was 1,300 words a day, but whatever works for you. I did not know what I was doing. Also, the biggest surprise I got was as I wrote it helped me discover where my story was going. If you get stuck, jump ahead or sideways, write an exciting scene, anything. Shoot for 80,000 words. GET A DRAFT DONE, no matter how bad. Forget grammar, for now. Forget research, and just make that word count. When you are done, go back and reach things you weren’t sure about, and fix them. Edits and beta reads can fix all your other mistakes or point them out for you to fix. GET THE DRAFT DONE.
Novels I’ve Written
I have written two complete novels, Kill Crime (looking for an agent) and Kill Crime II (working title and being edited now). This…