The pitch sheet I created for meeting agents at a writers conference.

Creating a Pitch Sheet (w/sample) Getting An Agent (Part 4)

Mike Slavin


My upfront disclaimer: I don’t have an agent yet to represent me for my first book, Kill Crime (thriller/mystery-77,000 words).

Submission Count for Kill Crime

Since I started looking 5 April 2018:

Total: 24 Submissions- 17 still pending, 7 rejections

Getting Ready for the Writers Conference The Pitch Sheet

The conference just happened and I have a lot to say about it, but I’ll cover it in my next post or two. About two weeks ago, I heard about a writers conference, Write Fest,in my home town of Houston. I found out they had agent pitch sessions and I went through the agents attending. Out of the nine agents at the conference, only two were interested in thriller/mysteries and no one in crime. So I signed up and started researching pitch sessions for a writer’s conferences. Many people recommended preparing a pitch sheet, also called a one-sheet.

The Pitch Sheet

This is a one page of information about you and your book that you can give to the agent you are meeting. It will have a blurb, and this is not a synopsis, but like what would be on the back of your book. It should probably be in the range of 150–200 words.



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